Prof. PhD. Monalisa Sampaio Carneiro

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Lattes Curriculum

Orcid: 0000-0002-9835-7205

Telephone: +55 19 3543 2644


Research Group: Molecular Markers Assisting Plant Breeding Programs, RIDESA´s Sugarcane Biotechnology

Laboratory: Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology (LBP)

Research Areas: Molecular analysis in cultivated plants, Molecular improvement of cultivated plants, Plant biotechnology


Graduated in Agronomy (1994) and Master in Agrarian Sciences (1997) at the Universidade Federal da Bahia and PhD (2001) in Genetics and Plant Breeding at the Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ-USP). She has experience in plant genetics and genomics, with emphasis on the molecular improvement of cultivated plants, especially sugar cane and vegetables. She is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Dept Biotecnologia e Produção Vegetal e Animal, Centro de Ciências Agrárias – Campus de Araras. She is a member of the executive committee of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT).